Wednesday, October 30, 2019

QUO VADIS ANTHROPOLOGISTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

QUO VADIS ANTHROPOLOGISTS - Essay Example In this regard, anthropology, ethnology and ethnography are fairly new as academic professions because these disciplines came out of the encounter of Western colonizers in the age of exploration and empire with non-Western colonized peoples in Asia, Pacific, Africa and in the Middle East regions. Anthropological research and field studies not surprisingly take the Western view of the world in trying to make sense out of a sheer diversity of native cultures. Anthropology now must take a stand to stay relevant by seeking remedies to social inequities. Discussion Broadly speaking, anthropology and ethnography had three distinct phases which are salvaging of what is left of native cultures before these are lost forever, the romantic notions of doing some extensive fieldwork by living among the natives and lastly, both the anti- and post-colonial mentality of later generations of anthropologists. Again, almost always, anthropologists had been in most instances apologists (pun intended), f or colonialism and imperialism by using an ideology of Manifest Destiny. It is only now that anthropology is trying to make amends, by being proactive instead of reactive, as it had shown in the past, merely recording what has been but not taking action for preserving local societies and cultures with a stronger form of advocacy, afraid of politicizing the profession. On hindsight, it can hardly do otherwise. Anthropologists cannot be mere observers forever; people continue to suffer under newer forms of colonialism. American anthropology largely came about as a result of the settlement of the wild west when much of America was considered as frontier territory, up for grabs by the white settlers in a fantastic land grab from the native American Indians through a justification of using the Manifest Destiny ideology to assuage the guilty conscience of the new settlers. It was an unrelenting kind of campaign to drive out locals from their native lands, which finally came to a head when Ishi is thought to be the last of his kind. In a way, anthropology had failed him because although most of the anthropologists knew he was the last of his tribe, they did not make any concerted effort to revive his tribal culture when the Yahi language is somewhat related to other native dialects and they could have encouraged him to get married, produce some offspring and perpetuate his tribe. It is a sad commentary anthropology was not able to save Ishi or his tribe; he went the way of the dodo (a flightless bird), an extinct species. Anthropologists could have saved him from the fate of the dodo, but instead, they were so happy to have found a supposedly fine specimen of a real wild Indian they proceeded to study him and his myths, language, and other cultural aspects of his soon-to-be extinct tribe, collecting additional artifacts for a museum (Riffe & Roberts 1995). The effort to drive out the native American Indians was relentless and ruthless, resulting in massacres because of an uneven fight using bows and arrows versus rifles and cannons. It is a culmination that resulted in the few remaining survivors forced to transfer into reservations. The discipline of anthropology did not try to mitigate this brutal aspect of the war of pacification but instead was just content to collect some samples and specimens to be displayed in the museums. A white anthropologist would surely have a hard time doing some fieldwork by living among the Indians as the natives were mostly hostile, like that back in Kenya (Evans-Pritchard 1976:252). The same pattern continues today in which some people and races

Monday, October 28, 2019

The public education system Essay Example for Free

The public education system Essay â€Å"Effectiveness in the principal-ship is the extent to which all learners in the school are doing as well as they should be doing.† (Webster, 1, 1994) The public education system has perhaps never faced more challenges than it does today. With increasing diversity in the school system, teachers and administration have to be prepared to teach students with minimal English. Increased violence in schools has created a situation where providing security for students takes precedence to learning. Drug use among students and domestic violence place teachers and administration in a social services role, rather than focused on education. Increased accountability standards with an ever-shrinking budget challenges teacher’s time to be responsive to individual student needs. Each of these challenges are faced by the school as a whole, with increased pressure placed on the role of the principal to meet these needs. The role of the principal has changed over the past twenty to thirty years. Ideally the principal should be responsible for creating a climate of learning, and assuring that teachers have the resources they need to do their job effectively. â€Å"The principal establishes a climate for excellence, puts forth a vision for continuous improvement in student performance, promotes excellence in teaching, and commits to sustained, comprehensive professional development for all staff members. The principal ensures that curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment of student progress are coherent components in the teaching and learning process. In short, the principal engages herself or himself as an instructional leader.† (Tirozzi, 1, 2001) Educational research, focusing on school effectiveness, often examines the concept of the principal as leader as one of the critical factors. Research indicates that the role of principal as leader in creating a climate that can lead to higher student academic performance, â€Å"conditions such as setting high standards and goals, planning and coordinating with staff, having an orientation toward innovation, frequent monitoring of staff and student performance, and involving parents and the community.† (Blank, 1, 1987) This increased emphasis on the principal as a leader, has ultimately changed the role of the school principal. Historically, principals wereelected and played the role of educator. The increased need for the principal to take the part of leader requires the principal to also take on the role of administrator. Along with this role, there is a increased emphasis on the principal as a primary contributor to the educational effectiveness of the school. This expanding role of the principal has created a new set of expectations, including fulfilling the role of leader as both educator and administrator, including responsibility for the school curriculum. During the 1980s, school districts introduced programs to increase school effectiveness, including greater instructional leadership by principals. (Blank, 1, 1987) According to Elaine Fink and Lauren Resnick, there is widespread appeal for principals to assume the role of leaders in education, but this role is not being fulfilled in practice. â€Å"In practice, though, few principals act as genuine instructional leaders. Their days are filled with the activities of management: scheduling, reporting, handling relations with parents and the community, and dealing with the multiple crises and special situations that are inevitable in schools. Most principals spend relatively little time in classrooms and even less time analyzing instruction with teachers. They may arrange time for teachers meetings and professional development, but they rarely provide intellectual leadership for growth in teaching skill.† (Fink Resnick, 1, 2001) Fink and Resnick depict principals as becoming more and more distanced from the issues of education and instruction and increasingly focused on administrative and budgetary issues. According to Fink, building an effective community of principals should focus on the craft of teaching and learning and the building of strong interpersonal relationships. The role of principal maintains five major controls or sources of power or authority including the authority (1) to exert administrative control, (2) to exert aggressive instructional leadership, (3) to control the evaluative framework of the school, (4) to control the distribution of rewards, and (5) to control the timing and flow of information and resources in the school. (Webster, 44, 1994) The effective principal has the ability to define what tasks ar e important and create a framework in which those tasks can be accomplished. The effective principal should focus on the role of â€Å"principal teacher,† or that which is the teacher of teachers. Effective principals, who have the responsibility of teaching both new and experienced teachers, must be knowledgeable about a wide variety of teaching strategies, with a focus on that which will enhance learner growth. Effective principal must possess problem-solving as a skill. The effective principal should operate as a leader. (Webster, 93, 1994) Leadership is often defined as the ability to influence others in the group, focused on the two basic functions of leadership: task and human. Task effectiveness relates to teaching as the major task and learner growth as the outcome. The second function of human effectiveness recognizes that teachers and other staff members need occasional strengthening, refocusing, morale boosting, and listening to, as well as remediation and correction. According to Webster, task effectiveness and human effectiveness roles of leaders overlap, across all domains. Principals must display task effectiveness in the learning or learner-centered domain as well as in the management domain. (Webster, 46, 1994) Portin and Shen studied the changing role of the principal in the Washington State education system. They identified the school effectiveness research of the last twenty years in affirming the role of principal leadership in school success. Principals were identified as key individuals as instructional leaders, initiators of change, school managers, personnel administrators, and problem solvers. The principal is in the center of multiple demands to reform schools and to meet the challenges of future leadership. (Portin Shen, 1, 1998) â€Å"If education, in general, and schools, in particular, are seen as tools for social change, educational leaders are assumed to be among the most critical artisans. This assumption is widely held by the public-at-large, as well as by education professionals. It is also an assumption warranted by relevant evidence. Indeed, the leadership effect becomes increasingly prominent the more one focuses attention on schools as opposed to other types of organizations.† (Portin Shen, 1, 1998) Despite changes in shared leadership and teacher empowerment, the principal remains the center of leadership in the school. The unique role of the principal includes instructional, organizational, and statutory leadership. As an instructional leader, the principal is expected to retain knowledge of effective instructional practice, both curricular and pedagogical. The role of the principal as evaluator of instruction underlines the organizational leadership expected. Principals are given responsibility for most school operations. Despite changes in school policy, and societal changes, the assumption is made that principals have the capacity to lead and supervise the implementation of new programs and regulations while continuing to provide previously assigned responsibilities. Research indicates that this ever-changing role of the principal may not allow for them to meet of the expectations. â€Å"Numerous factors have been identified that contribute to the ways in which principals spend their time. Analyses of the principals role reveal constant interruptions, lack of planning time, fragmentation of activities, compliance with numerous rules and regulations. Clearly, the role of the principal is changing as more is expected of them.† (Portin Shen, 1, 1998) In a study of schools in Washington State, more than three quarters of principals surveyed, reported that in the last five years they have had more responsibility for site-based decisi ons, monitoring truancy, dealing with the impact of student diversity, interacting with parents, improving school-community relationships, and administering special education programs. These changes suggest that principals are expected to provide more leadership, on one hand, and to take on more managerial responsibilities, on the other. This has led to a growing tension between the leadership and managerial responsibilities of the job. The role of principal is becoming increasingly more challenging. Ninety-one percent of the principals surveyed indicated they are in districts that are decentralizing decision making to the local school site, 76 per cent were in districts that were initiating or encouraging the use of site councils, 79 per cent indicated the need to establish school/business partnerships. Seventy-six percent reported working in sites with increased student diversity that has had an important impact on the school, 83 per cent increased interactions with parents that have had a significant impact on their work, 91 per cent reported it was important to consider client satisfaction when making decisions. As might be expected, these changes have had nega tive impact on the ability of principal’s to do their work and increased negative feelings about their job. (Portin Shen, 1, 1998) These changes have required the principal to take on additional responsibilities, resulting in a disproportionate amount of time and attention devoted to these new responsibilities. As new responsibilities are added, principals must take time away from previous demands to meet the changing demands. Despite the addition of new responsibilities, principals have not been relieved of other duties and responsibilities that have traditionally been a part of their job, â€Å"building maintenance and repair, instructional leadership, maintaining a safe and secure environment, responding to teacher and staff requests, conducting legally required teacher evaluations, managing the budget, and maintaining discipline.† (Portin Shen, 1, 1998) Despite these additional responsibilities, authority and instruction did not necessarily follow, resulting in considerable ambiguity. Some principals surveyed reported not feeling they possessed the skills necessary for the increased job responsibilit y. Further, principals surveyed reported feeling greater levels of frustration in their job and less enthusiasm for the work they do. Their decline in morale and enthusiasm stems, instead, from their inability to carry out both their management and leadership functions effectively and efficiently, and their preference to provide leadership. Many principals report work weeks of 50 to 70 hours. They feel they are being forced to make choices about where they will spend their time and attention. Another source of frustration is the shift to managerial rather than leadership responsibilities. They recognize that managing the building is a necessary function for principals, they prefer to focus on their role as instructional leaders, spending time with teachers, students, and parents improving the schools program for student learning. Many principals are finding it difficult to maintain that focus. (Portin Shen, 1998) Principals have the responsibility of making certain that specific tasks are completed by teachers and other staff members. Their job is to coordinate, direct, and support the work of others by â€Å"defining objectives, evaluating performance, providing resources, building a positive climate, fostering positive school-community relations, planning, scheduling, keeping records, resolving conflicts, handling student problems, working cooperatively with central office staff members, and keeping the school running smoothly on a day-to-day basis.† (Wendell, 88, 1994) Their day to day activities are further challenged by factors outside their control. Negotiated teacher contracts, may define working situations that further diminish the resources of the school. (Webster, 86, 1994) Leadership activities are commonly associated with initiative and change that inspire others to accomplish the mission of the organization. â€Å"Through leadership, principals bring an active and personal attitude toward the reaching of goals. Principals who are both successful leaders and managers empower others. The system as a whole begins to function effectively with the improvement of teaching and learning for students. Principals should consider themselves leaders of leaders, not leaders of followers.† (Webster, 201, 1994) Historically, principals have been considered part of the control process within the school. Their job was to distribute incentives for completion by teachers and other staff members. Transformational leadership, that is desired now, works by transforming the goals and aspirations of members of the organization. â€Å"Transformational school leaders pursue three goals: to help staff members develop and maintain a collaborative, professional culture, to foster teacher development; and to help personnel solve problems together more effectively.† (Webster, 192, 1994) This type of leader realizes that an integrated, cohesive group lends itself to effectiveness. Everyone works together to p ursue common goals. A sense of ownership exists within an organization where transformational leadership is practiced. (Wendell, 212, 1994) Instructional leaders need to be knowledgeable about instructional resources, provide resources for their teachers, promote staff development, and obtain resources and support for school goals. Performance appraisals should be based on goals that improve institutional performance. Instructional leaders help solve instructional problems, encourage the use of many strategies and styles, and assist teachers with assessment and evaluation techniques. â€Å"Instructional leaders promote their vision for their schools, communicate to teachers about desired instructional practices and criteria for evaluating performance, and provide frequent feedback to teachers. Principals who would be instructional leaders actively promote staff development activities, are readily available to discuss issues related to teaching and instruction, are visible to staff and students, and make frequent classroom observations. Instructional leaders focus upon instruction and take care of routine managerial task s, such as completion of paperwork, before or after classes as much as possible. Principals who believe that all students can learn and enjoy school are willing to examine how students learn and redirect the focus of schooling upon students learning styles.† (Webster, 182, 1994) According to Wendell, principals can develop instructional leadership by establishing clear goals, objectives, and priorities; expressing high expectations; emphasizing student achievement, attendance, behavior, and attitude; and focusing upon school goals and priorities. Principals can enhance instruction by providing clear communication within their educational system and by keeping curriculum focused upon goals, by working with teachers to improve their instructional skills; and by monitoring school performance. Principals who are effective instructional leaders focus upon five key areas: (1) defining the schools mission, (2) managing curriculum and instruction, (3) promoting a positive learning climate, (4) providing supervision of instruction, and (5) assessing instructional pr ograms. (Webster, 220, 1994) The recent trend toward accountability, and nation-wide educational standards have pressured principals to be more concerned with the bottom line. School systems serving poor and minority students pose an even greater threat to the success of a school system in achieving what is considered to be minimum standards. Codding Tucker reviewed what they believe to be determinates of successful principals. They separate the roles they perform, the qualities that they need to perform those roles, and the knowledge implied by those roles. As have others, Codding Tucker re-iterate the need for the school principal to function both as as a leader and as a manager, and that one role should compliment the other. (Codding Tucker, 84, 2002) In providing effective leadership, principals must be able to provide leadership that results in a shared vision of the directions to be pursued by the school and to manage change in ways that ensure that the school is successful in realizing the vision. â€Å"There is overwhelming evidence from the literature on school effectiveness and improvement regarding the significance of the principal in establishing a school culture that promotes and values learning and that embodies realistic but high expectations of all students and teachers. To the extent that principals have an impact on student learning, this impact is largely mediated through teachers and classroom teaching.† (Codding Tucker, 61, 2002) As a manager, the principal must ensure that the circle of accountability is complete and that investment in the learning of individual members is demonstrated in the student learning outcomes. This needs to be reflected in the staff appraisal process and ongoing processes for evaluating programs and monitoring the performance of the school. â€Å"A key role of the principal is to ensure that each of the elements that contribute to improved student learning outcomes is present, working effectively, and aligned with all other ele ments. When systems aren’t aligned and progress is not noted, it is the role of the principal to make adjustments in the system and make sure those adjustments are communicated throughout the school system. Principals need a strong theoretical foundation of current knowledge about teaching and learning, practical knowledge of the beliefs and understandings of staff in the school, and applied knowledge of how to bring about development and change in those beliefs and understandings.† (Codding Tucker, 64, 2002) Schools with effective learning climates have behavioral standards understood by all students, with consequences for inappropriate behavior administered consistently and fairly, on the basis of a written standard known to all staff members. An effective learning climate in schools should be a major component of the principals vision which serves as the basis for improvement. Principals must understand the meaning as well as ways of improving effective learning climates. A climate that promotes learning includes all the things principals must do to foster teacher and student involvement. According to Webster, the climates of effective schools are characterized by (1) high levels of student involvement with work; (2) teacher-led instruction; (3) students who understand teacher expectations; (4) efficient use of time; (5) minimal confusion and disruption; (6) mutual trust between teachers, students, and administrators; (7) high morale; (8) ample opportunities for input by all factions; (9) feelings of ownership by all; (10) feelings of caring by all; and (11) the presence of one or more ongoing renewal or school improvement projects. (Webster, 182, 1994) Through their leadership abilities, the school principal can have an impact on teacher attitude, student achievement, staff and student morale. According to Webster, the first step that a principal can take toward establishing an effective learning climate in any school is being there, being seen by all, students, teachers, and other staff members. Principals need to maintain personal involvement in the school setting. Students and teachers alike, must have the feeling that the principal is likely to be anywhere and at anytime. Projection of a caring attitude should accompany the high visibility of the principal. Further, Webster provides the following suggestions as a method to improve principal interactions: (1) establish a climate of professionalism with teachers; (2) interact personally with children; (3) get into classrooms; (4) be a teacher advocate, hospitable and sensitive to teacher suggestions; (5) attempt to fund projects of creative, caring teachers; (6) delegate authority wisely; (7) be politicians in dealing with their school communities; (8) offer criticism in a constructive manner; and (9) be human, while han dling unpleasant tasks with fairness, firmness, and dispatch. (Webster, 141, 1998) Webster believes that principals should attempt to establish these elements by focusing on teachers first, then students, and finally, student-teacher relationships in their schools. Traditional training for principals has consisted of theory and policy taught by university professors relying on academic models. Candidates have been taught to manage with a top-down rather than a team approach. Although theory is an important component of principal training, recent studies have shown that the skills and qualities most necessary to succeed include problem analysis, data collection, organizational ability, decisiveness, effective communication skills and stress tolerance. The issue of continuing professional development is also important. Even veteran principals feel that they are not prepared for the reality of the job. Many feel isolated having left their network of peers in the ranks of teachers. They also feel a lack of constructive criticism and supportive supervision. Principals n eed to be prepared to handle the various situations they face in a day. Theory is important, but aspiring principals must be shown that most of what they will be facing will not come out of a book. They must be prepared to be open minded and handle each situation as it comes. Working in collaboration with school districts to create mentoring programs is important. Principals need a network of peers to alleviate the isolation and helplessness many feel. (Ediger, 381, 2000) Leadership within school systems are not built on the qualifications of individuals alone. Typically, the role of principal, as well as that of teachers, has been undervalued. Resources are scarce at best and research has not adequately defined problem areas. Effective models are scarce. â€Å"If existing educational leadership roles are inadequate, they are at least familiar. There is scant research and development to guide principals or superintendents through the onslaught of new policies driving the standards movement. New responsibilities require new job descriptions and redesigned systems to support new learning.† (Fitzgerald, 57, 2000) The focus of school leadership, all too often, has been faced with numerous changes and increasing responsibility. Principals are expected to produce educational results but often lack understanding of how students learn. Principals are expected to evaluate teaching performance with inadequate knowledge of what constitutes good practice. Principals work in isolation with little time to effectively supervise or interact within their schools. (Fitzgerald, 57, 2000) The role of the school principal has changed dramatically and will continue to do so. Principals are required to fill a myriad of roles, with additional responsibilities added on an ongoing basis. New laws, an ever-changing and diverse student base, new standards will all continue to challenge the school principal in fulfilling their role as a leader. Despite these changes, there are some things tha t remain a constant in the life of the principal. The principal will continue to be responsible for creating a culture of learning. The principal will continue to create a climate that encourages teachers to expand their horizons and their own learning in order to serve students better. The principal will continue to be responsible for the budgetary constraints that challenge the educational system today. The principal will still be required to create a standard of education that focuses on quality. The NAESP ( defined The guide identifies six standards that redefine instructional leadership for todays principals. These standards include: †¢ Leading schools in a way that puts student and adult learning at the center, with the principal demonstrating the role of learner and teacher. †¢ Promoting the academic success of all students by setting high expectations and high standards and organizing the school environment around school achievement; †¢ Creating and demanding rigorous content and instruction that ensures student progress toward agreed-upon academic standards; †¢ Creating a climate of continuous learning for adults that is tied to student learning; †¢ Using multiple sources of data as a diagnostic tool to assess, identify, and apply instructional improvement; and †¢ Actively engaging the community to create shared responsibility for student and school success. These standards, though appropriate, still require the principal to establish priorities within the system and redesign the workplace in order to achieve the overall mission. The first priority of the principal should always be to establish a culture of learning. If learning is the priority, then the rest should follow and it should provide the basis for other decisions to be made. References Blank, R. K. (1987). The Role of Principal as Leader: Analysis of Variation in Leadership of Urban High Schools. Journal of Educational Research, 81(2), 69-80. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Ediger, M. (1996). The School Principal with New Responsibilities. Education, 116(3), 381+. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Ediger, M. (2000). Role of the Principal and the Social Studies. College Student Journal, 34(3), 423. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Ediger, M. (2000). The School Principal as Leader in Reading Instruction. Reading Improvement, 37(1), 20. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Fink, E., Resnick, L. B. (2001). Developing Principals as Instructional Leaders. Phi Delta Kappan, 82(8), 598. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Qu estia database: Fitzgerald, M. L. (2000, September). Leaders Count in Education, Too. School Administrator, 57, 54. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Garubo, R. C., Rothstein, S. W. (1998). Supportive Supervision in Schools. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Glasman, N. S., Heck, R. H. (1992). The Changing Leadership Role of the Principal: Implications for Principal Assessment. PJE. Peabody Journal of Education, 68(1), 5-24. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Halawah, I. (2005). The Relationship between Effective Communication of High School Principal and School Climate. Education, 126(2), 334+. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Hart, A. W. (1992). The Social and Organizational Influence of Principals: Evaluating Principals in Context. PJE. Peabody Journal of Education, 68(1), 37-57. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Portin, B. S., Shen, J. (1998). The Changing Principalship: Its Current Status, Variability, and Impact. Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(3), 93. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Sybouts, W., Wendel, F. C. (1994). The Training and Development of School Principals: A Handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Tirozzi, G. N. (2001). The Artistry of Leadership: The Evolving Role of the Secondary School Principal. Phi Delta Kappan, 82(6), 434. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Tucker, M. S. Codding, J. B. (Eds.). (2002). The Principal Challenge: Leading and Managing Schools in an Era of Accountability. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database: Webster, W. G. (1994). Learner-Centered Principalship: The Principal as Teacher of Teachers. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Questia database:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

King Oedipus Essay -- essays research papers

King Oedipus by Sophocles Blindness is the downfall of the hero Oedipus in the play â€Å"King Oedipus† by Sophocles. Not only does the blindness appear physically, but also egotistically as he refuses to acknowledge the possibility of him actually being the murderer of Laius, the former King of Thebes. Coincidentally, he is also Oedipus’s biological father. The use of light and dark in the play is strategically applied in order to better understand the emotion that lies within the characters. As blame is placed upon Oedipus for the murder of Laius, he blinds himself from the possible reality that he may be the killer. The people of Thebes are informed that there is an impending curse upon them as a result of the murder mystery of their previous king, Laius. In order to quicken the cure, Oedipus calls on Teiresias, the blind prophet to aide them. Excessive pride fuels his inability to believe the prophecy of Teiresias stating Oedipus is the killer, and that he has married his mother. â€Å"Until I came – I, ignorant Oedipus, came – and stopped the riddler’s mouth, guessing the truth by mother-wit, not bird-love.† Because he continually boasts about how he has saved Thebes from the Sphinx, he believes that no one could know more than he, especially if he is the one to be accused of a crime he â€Å"knows† he didn’t commit. In response Teiresias argues, â€Å"You are please to mock my blindness. Have you eyes, and do not see your own damnation? Eyes and cannot see what company you keep.† This is...

Thursday, October 24, 2019


While working with a adult who suffer’s from ADHD and Dyslexia you can go through different aspect of satisfaction and also aspects that can cause problems and tension at work. The most satisfying feeling at the end of the day when it is time to go home and the person i am careing for has thurully enjoyed the day forgetting about the problems that persist on a daily basis. Human resource functions in an organization include everything that has to do with ‘people’, i.e., their recruitment, induction, retention, welfare, appraisal, growth, training, skill development, attitudinal-orientation, compensation, motivation, ect. Aspects at work that bring satisfaction Good preparation – having a clear idea of what the day involves Interacting in good conversation Solving problems helping him to overcome obsticles to help him understand different aspects that may be hard for him to understand Spontanious days out – being involved with the planning of the day Pay – adequacy of pay Aspects of work that do not bring satisfaction Same activities over and over again Unorganised days out I read that the motivation to investigate the degree of job satisfaction arises from the fact that a better understanding of employee satisfaction is desirable to achieve a higher level of motivation that is directly associated with patient satisfaction. Schermerhorn define job satisfaction as the degree to which individuals feel positive or negative about their jobs. It is an attitude or emotional response to one’s tasks as well as to the physical and social conditions of the workplace. Job satisfaction is motivational and leads to positive employment relationships and high levels of individual job performance. Job satisfaction can be considered as a global feeling about the job or as a related constellation of attitudes about various aspects or facets of the job. The global approach and the facet approach can be used to get a complete picture of employees’ job satisfaction. The work itself – responsibility, interest, and growth Quality of supervision – technical help and social support Relationships with co-workers – social harmony and respect Promotion opportunities – chances for further advancement I think that creating a PDP, Personal development plan can provide a long term vision of where i want my career to go. It would definaltley be considered a positive advantage for short and long term carrer options in the rapidly changing world of work. Planning for my future. Short term goals at work Graduate from college/university two years from now Improve my knowledge and research more in the profession i want to futher my carrer To improve my skills over the next two to three years so I can futher my career Things that i can change with a positive approach to work By identifying the causes behind my undisirable attitude and aproach them in a positive way. I can change the situattions that are affecting my attitude in a negative way are things that i can change. For example, if i find that my attitude changes in a negative way because i feel tired most of the day would be to plan my night before, so i can get more sleep at night, or take power naps during break or lunch times. Also If work is not challenging me enough, then i change my approach to this by taking on some new tasks. I need to focus on a positive mindstate that will help me approach work with a realistic mental image of what my relationship with my job should be. I need to learn to accept the fact that some tasks linked with my job may be less fulfilling than others. When i have lack of motivation i should learn not to let this affect or not allow me to complete my tasks or activities. I must understand that my change of attitude is my own responsibility, and something which i mus t plan and work towards. Evaluate the benifits of self-managed learning to individuals and organisations. link idea’s with my own work experience .. BELOW A broad definition of self managed learning is a process in which individuals manage their own learning and are responsible for controlling how, when, what, why, and where they learn. I will need to set goals for learning by understanding the purpose of what i want to achieve. Self-managed learning can benifit me by helping me to understand  and overcome difficulties at work. I need to learn more about the disability’s that the person i care for has, and try to plan more wisely my approach to deal with situatuions that occur. Larning outcome 2 (LO2) EVALUATE MY OWN CURRENT SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES AGAINST PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS AND ORGANISATIONAL OBJECTIVES – BELOW IDENTIFY OWN DEVELOPMENT NEEDS AND THE ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO MEET THEM †¦ BELOW DEVISE A PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH CLEAR AIMS AND OBJECTIVES AND TIMESCALE BASED ON IDENTIFIED NEEDS †¦ BELOW DISCUSS THE PROCESSES AND ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN INCLUDING EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT SRATAGIES – REFLECT ON TIME MANAGEMENT STRATAGIES THAT I WILL NEED TO IMPLY IN ORDER TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETER MY DEVELOPMENT AN MEET MY DEMANDS †¦.. BELOW Learning outcome 3 (LO3) UNDERTAKE AND DOCUMENT THE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AS PLANNED . USING YOUR DEVELOPMENT PLAN. COMPLETE THE ACTIVITIES THAT YOU SET OUT AS YOUR NEEDS FOR DEVELOPMENT . RESEARCH WAYS IN WHICH I CAN DEVELOP MYSELF AS A PERSON IN MY CHOOSEN PROFESSION REFLECT CRITICALLY ON MY OWN LEARNING AGAINST THE ORIGINAL AIMS AND OBJECTIVES SET IN DEVELOPMENT PLAN .. SHORT CRITICAL REFLECTION ON MY PROGRESS IN TERMS OF MY AIMS AND OBJECTIVES I SET ON MY DEVEPMENT PLAN .. CAN USE FEEDBACK FROM WORK COLLEGUES CONSIDER LEARNING STYLES AND STRATAGIES : TYPES OF STYLES : AWARENESS OF OWN PERSONAL STYLE : IMPACT OF PERSONAL STYLE AND INTERACTIONS WITH OTHERS LEARNING FROM OTHERS : FORMAL LEARNING . TRAING : OBSERVATION : MENTORING : SUPERVISION : TUTORIALS : INFORMAL NETWORKS : TEAM MEMBERS : LINE MAGERS : OTHER PROFESSIONS MONITORING . REFLECTING . PLANING Learning outcome 4 (LO4) SEE PIECE OF PAPER USE ALL IMFORMATION AND SKILLS THAT I HAVE GAINED THOUGHOUT THE UNIT AN DEMENSTATE MY ABILITY TO SOLVE A PROBLEM IN THE WORK PLACE SITUATIONS

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Internet Search Synopsis Essay

The first website, National Institute of Mental Health, deals with different mental illnesses including eating disorders. This website is considered to be credible because of many factors. The number one factor would be that it is recently updated. It is indicated that the website was last reviewed on April 22, 2009. This is important because it means that the latest news regarding mental illnesses and eating disorders can be found. It also means that the people behind the website checks the site if there are errors. It also has an About Us page and a Contact Us page so people can obtain further information about mental illnesses. The organization also has a Privacy Policy, which is important because â€Å"the presence of privacy policies also appears to influence the perceptions of website credibility† (Lazar, Meiselwitz, & Feng, 2007, p.18). The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) offers assistance to people who may have gambling problems. They promote public awareness regarding the problem and can be contacted to obtain counselors who deal with this type of problem. Unlike the previous website, NCPG does not have a privacy policy nor does it indicate when the website was last updated. However, it has an About Us page and contact details are posted on the web site’s homepage. It also has a domain extension of .org, which can be a determinant of the site’s credibility. The National Eating Disorders Association is the third website to be reviewed. The About Us page contains videos that talk about what the organization is all about. It does have a Contact Us page for those who want to avail of the organization’s services. The site also offers users links to other resources that might be helpful when researching about eating disorders. It appears that the three websites are accurate and authoritative, which make them credible. â€Å"†Accuracy is one indicator of quality and suggests the author or host feels a degree of responsibility for the image or content that’s put forth† (Friedman, 2004, p.159). However, the National Institute of Mental Health’s website is the most credible of all three websites reviewed due to the completeness of the requirements of a good website.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Communist Dictatorship in Cuba essays

The Communist Dictatorship in Cuba essays Cuba is a communist dictatorship, with Fidel Castro as the head of state. It does not have an independent judiciary nor does it have free elections. So the people of Cuba would be considered subjects to the country. Fidel Castro led a rebel army to overthrow the Cuban government and achieved victory in 1959. Cuba's communist revolution, with Soviet support, was exported throughout Latin America and Africa during the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. The country is now slowly recovering from a severe economic recession following the withdrawal of former Soviet subsidies, worth $4 billion to $6 billion annually, in 1990. Havana blames its difficulties on the US embargo in place since 1962. Cuba is a multiracial society with a population of mainly Spanish and African origins. The largest organized religion is the Roman Catholic 85%, Santeria 15%, a blend of Protestants, Jewish, Santerian, and native African religions. Roman Catholicism, is the most widely practiced religion in Cuba. Officially, Cuba has been an atheist state for most of the Castro era. However, a constitutional amendment adopted on July 12, 1992, changed the nature of the Cuban state from atheist to secular, enabling religious believers to belong to the Cuban Communist Party (PCC). Cuba is slightly smaller than Pennsylvania with a population of 11,730,400 (October 2002). The labor force is comprised of agriculture 23%, industry 24%, services 53% and they have an unemployment rate of 6%. Industries include sugar, petroleum, food, tobacco, textiles, chemicals, paper and wood products, metals (particularly nickel), cement, fertilizers, consumer goods, agricultural machinery. Cuba like all countries is comprised of many races of people. Ethnic divisions in Cuba include Mulatto 51%, European descent 37%, African descent 11%, and Chinese 1%. Cuba remains racially divided between the white haves and the black and mixed-race have-nots. It is safe to say Cuba is conflictual political cu...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Worst Common App Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Worst Common App Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Worst Common App Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them An application essay is a usual requirement when enrolling in a college or university because it allows the admissions department to look into your values and accomplishments other than your academic and extra-curricular records. In order to submit a good application essay, you must, of course, have good writing skills. There are a lot of essay writing tips you can find online, starting with common app essay mistakes that applicants usually make hindering them from actually constructing an app essay that will manifest their true personality and passion. There are several common app essay examples online. You can investigate as many as you can and learn as much common app essay tips as possible. Here are the common mistakes and some very useful tips you might want to consider when writing your application essay: Keep it organized. Before writing down your app essay, make an outline first of how you intend to go about it. This is to ensure that all questions are addressed as well as to keep track of your progress. An essay that lacks structure might confuse your readers and, in turn, fail to show what you really want your audience to know about you. Do not choose a topic and subject immediately. College and university applicants usually provide a list of topics to write about in their app essays. Before choosing a topic and a subject, look into the list carefully first and consider which one will best portray you in the most desirable way. Consider your passion, your interests, and the subjects you excel in. Do not beat around the bush. Once you have selected a topic and a subject, make sure to answer the questions. Read them carefully and ensure that every question or topic is accounted. Be particularly attentive to multiple-part questions because this is where applicants usually miss out on some points. Start with a really good introduction. A good start will encourage the admissions department to read on. This is especially applicable when they are reading thousands of app essays which are already starting to look very generic by then. Make a good impression as early as possible. Avoid ambiguous answers. Remember, the admissions department wants to see your character and spot your potentials. In order for them to do that, you have to let them into your life through your app essay so avoid constructing an essay that is generic and instead is more specific and descriptive. Avoid being too lengthy. A lot of common app essay prompts specify the required word count so make sure to strictly follow the limit. The admissions department will look into your ability to understand instructions and follow them accordingly and non-compliance to these instructions could even lead to your disqualification. Mind your tone. The tone of your essay must maintain a certain level of decorum. After all, it is an academic paper. Try to avoid sounding sarcastic or too humorous. While the goal is for the real you to manifest, you also have to remember that you have to put yourself in the best light possible. Make it a mutual relationship. Another common mistake that applicants make is sounding too one-sided in their app essays. Do not make it appear that you are only looking forward to the benefits the college or university can offer but also what it can benefit from you. Do not rely on a single spell checker. Most students will probably draft their app essays in a Word Document which has its own spell checker but do not rely on this solely. You have to double check it yourself and make sure your grammar is perfect. You can, of course, ask a family member or a friend to check for you. Do not overlook the small things. Remember that good essays do not necessarily have to be grandiose. Simple thoughts and simple words can go as deep as well and even reach out to more audience because it is easier to read and understand. In fact, some of the best and most memorable essays come from the simple conversations but are nevertheless valuable and very engaging. Avoid writing about volunteer trips. While community service is always a good thing, it will less likely impress the admissions department, not with thousands of other applicants writing about it, too. Remember that you have to make an extra effort for your app essay to stand out so instead of writing about generic answers and experiences, try including something that is out of the box or unique. Avoid stating the obvious. Your app essay is not a reflection of your resume so do not make it appear like it is. The point of these essays is for the admissions department to look into your values and other characteristics that are otherwise unavailable in academic records. Instead, include things that will showcase your personal qualities such as leadership skills and strength of character. Do not be too aggressive. There is nothing wrong with being a go-getter but if you cross the line and come out as being too egoistic, it will reflect badly on your application. Try to balance your strengths with weaknesses but make sure to include how you have or intend to overcome these weaknesses. Do not forget to edit and proofread. Never submit an essay after the first draft. Essays require editing and proofreading more than twice to ensure that your thoughts are aligned and your grammar is perfect. You might want to wait a few hours or even a day after your finish your first draft to edit to make sure that you are looking at it with fresh eyes and perspective to easily spot errors and mistakes. Do not miss the deadline. You have to thoroughly plan out your application by making a timeline to track your progress. Start early, research the requirements, make a checklist, and ensure you follow it accordingly. Try to spare extra time in case you need to make more revisions than intended.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Write Newspaper Editorial Essays

How To Write Newspaper Editorial Essays A guide to writing a persuasive Newspaper Editorial Essay Editorial Essay Definition To understand and personally define an editorial, you should first try to define the word â€Å"editorial.† It is a newspaper article that covers the diverse concepts of the author. The author may choose to write about any topic, but it should focus on social issues concerning the subject matter. Each point expressed should be backed up with reliable support evidence or facts to give meaning to your work. Detailed research should be done to identify a suitable topic for discussion. An editorial essay should highlight and discuss the problem identified, and at the end offer reliable solutions. For example, if you as the author plan to address issues that are related to the mentally handicapped population, you should give detailed feedback about ways to tackle such an issue for a suitable solution. You should develop a message that addresses those affected with this issue, with part of the message sent to the healthcare providers on how to handle the situation. A newspaper editorial essay also addresses the ruling government on the issue at hand and the need for them to take necessary actions. Writing an editorial essay is similar to writing a research or a normal essay paper. If you know this, then writing your piece will be easy and the work with come out interesting to the reader in the long run. Ways of writing Different Editorial Essays Editorial essays are quite different from other types of essays. They are clustered according to the purpose they serve, unlike other essays where they are categorized according to their nature. With the above information, it’s safe to say that there is no single way of answering what an editorial essay is, without gaining knowledge of all the types of editorial essays. There are several ways of writing your essay. You could: Define/Expound/Interpret the Subject While writing your newspaper article, highlight how it addresses a specific subject. For instance, as an editor of a fashion companys magazine, you could address the different fashion trends on the rise to your readers. Criticize the Problem Critical thinking is needed by all writers to come up with a meaningful and interesting piece which addresses a vital issue. Bear in mind that an excellent editorial essay provides a critique on cases in question which provide solutions to existing problems. This craft is intended to make the reader identify the problem and not just the solutions offered. Use the Central Argument Focus of the Editorial to Convince your Audience You should inspire your readers to implement solutions by getting involved in the action from the introduction of your essay. While editorial essays only offer critique, persuasive papers handle all the suggested solutions without paying attention or providing information about the problem. Compliment Editorials relating to this theme focus on praising and admiring the works of organizations or people involved in a beneficial activity to society. While writing these types of essays, remember to place your focus on highlighting the positive outcome and appreciation of the subjects involved. If by now you are still not fully satisfied with the information given about editorial essays, no need to worry. Below I have introduced and explained other ways that can help you to craft a first-class editorial essay. More Ways to Ensure You Always Write a Persuasive and Attractive Editorial Essay Social media is the reason for the fierce writing we all experience in this time and age. For that reason, many people cannot craft a creative piece for a persuasive newspaper editorial. However, this should not be a problem as I have provided more vital tips and advice on how to be a professional writer of an editorial essay. Look for controversial problems: -the use of this theme provides a debatable discussion which will engage your readers. Since the use of this theme provides room for research, ask your audience questions as you gain more perspective of the subject in question. Making the right decision is important in writing a persuasive editorial essay: -the author can only support one side of a controversial paper. Before you start writing one, choose a side you feel best fit for you and you can back up with your experience and knowledge about it. Read a famous newspaper from your state: -reading this type of newspapers is helpful in many ways. They contain the relevant topics that need to be addressed while providing facts and solutions to the issues addressed. As they lay down their opinion, they leave the final judgment in the hands of public opinion. There are many ways to explain solutions in an editorial essay: -it is important for you to provide your audience with multiple solutions for them to make their own preferred individual choices. An inspirational excerpt by Minyvonne Burke from the United States’ Daily News says that: For an argument to make sense, make sure you talk about a couple of analogies. You are entitled to choose diverse social, cultural and political analogies as many people place trust in such areas. For instance, your research problem could be about the rising suspicion of the integrity of the several mobile spying applications in the market. Burke adds that search for relating issues in other technologically advanced countries whose family adopt this type of security to ensure the safety of their families. When it comes to writing an editorial, youre searching for solutions as you realize what other places did to resolve their issues. Steps of Writing a Newspaper Editorial There are several features for writing an editorial essay you will require as an editor to know and have them at the back of your mind. An impressing and engaging introduction, which will be accompanied by the body paragraphs and a compelling solution. You will realize that the structure is similar to many other essay types. Your interpretation of the issue-at-hand should make sense, through the use of factual or statistical evidence. At this point, have in mind that the complex issues should get more attention. Find the most effective news angle and use it appropriately. You need to know that the arguments brought forward by the opposing group are totally impartial and objective. While you write an editorial essay, make sure that you put across your different perspectives on the topic of discussion and do it in the most formal language. Utilize professionalism and criticism while crafting solutions. Don’t forget to put down a summary and a persuasive call for action. Ensure that you read the instructor’s guidelines before you start writing your persuasive essay. Consider factors that you need to develop your work such as the content, formatting and the number of words you are limited to. Topics for Editorial Essays Below are some of the best essay subjects you can use to create your own. Additionally, you will find appealing research issues and their respective solutions. For Charter Institutions, driving to the right decision is paramount For example: Public charter schools are associated with the public schooling program, which sticks to the required standards of learning. These types of institutions should demonstrate high levels of efficiency in all their adopted teaching methods. Any school which does not stick to these aspects should be closed if they do not uphold the required standards. The teachers have the mandate to educated heir students according to the standards set by the United States of America learning system.† Reality alternation and development by reality television programs Example: Reality shows aired on television mislead people into losing touch with the reality. Most of the directors try to convince the audience that the problems faced by their characters are the same we face in our day to day lives. They even try to convince the viewers that the consequences face by their characters is far more adverse than those faced in reality. Research conducted by Michigan State University by Dr. Gibson states that long term viewing of such programs brings about specific challenges. One of the challenges is heightened levels of aggression within the people living in the United States. The viewer rating of such programs should be placed at an age that will prevent the adolescent age group from viewing them. Other topic designs include: Advantages of higher education in the United States. Understanding the reasons and consequences of the Subprime crisis. Is legalization of marijuana a good move for its soothing effects, or destructive to the brain What challenges are likely to be faced with the banning of cigarettes A recap of the NBA season: Primary goals, training, prospect, prediction, best-performing players, debate and outcomes. Facts proving that gambling is illegal The best treatment available for diabetes Why is the death penalty legal in my country? More example samples of persuasive editorial essay topics can be found in the academic writing websites. To create an editorial essay that is captivating and has a logical flow of ideas, you need to adopt a structure that will formulate the backbone of your work. An Approach You Should Use in Writing a Persuasive Editorial Essay Identify and Pick the Preferred Topic Go ahead and select a debatable social issue and address it from all possible perspectives. Always remember to address a social issue that your target audience will be willing to read through to the end. Brainstorm on the ideas you have and choose one specific topic you are familiar with and can tackle with creativity and accuracy. Offering Your Opinion You should be aware that writing an editorial is the same as crafting an argumentative essay. At this point select a debatable, contradictive, and recently discoursed issue, and highlight your stance about it using valid evidence. An excellent tutorial should have both the positive and negative aspects concerning the topic of discussion. As you highlight your stand on the mater, remember not to pay attention to only one side. Looking for professional and editorial services are acceptable in instances you experience difficulty in handling the topic of discussion and writing the essay. Putting Down the Outline Having a framework for your editorial essay is vital in ensuring your work is well arranged, with the existence of a logical flow of ideas to make the essay legible and with high levels of professionalism. It is crucial because it helps you not to go off topic and keep to the subject of discussion when as new ideas pop up in the writing process. Your concepts will be well organized and structured to perfection. Composing the Final Piece of Editorial First, come up with an argument that is related to your selected topic and craft a headline that will attract the attention of your readers and impress them to read it some more. For instance, including an exclamation mark is a sure way for compelling your readers to look through your work. Use of rhetorical questions is also a way that will engage the reader. For each argument presented, make sure that you support them with valid resources, factual data, and examples. An effective way to achieve this is by highlighting the positive and negative aspects of issues addressed. Here are some extra pointers to help you in your creation of a persuasive editorial essay: Assimilating facts and figures from reliable online resources or those that are available in the library can be of great help. The resources will be of help in the explanation of your argument to make it credible and concrete. The most interesting evidence should be the last to be discussed. By doing this, you can keep your reader hooked to the essay and willing to read it all through. Don’t be too passive in the ideas that are not major. Engage your readers and address each point of view clearly and with necessary support offered to make sense out of it.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusion or Relatable Solutions The edited piece of your work should have a concrete solution that is founded on constructive criticism. You should still remember you have two perspectives about your issue of concern. For example, if youre covering the governments effort to reduce the use of tobacco by applying regulations and rules to govern its use, identify and discuss why this strategy is effective and vital as compared to any other. Also, remember to propose any alternative regulations that can be effective in achieving the desired goal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

IT Project Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

IT Project Management - Coursework Example The problems that develop through this acknowledges more in regard to the protection of children. Various technological innovation approaches help us understand the existing interactions between the information systems, and those people in operating them. The purpose of understanding these interactions is to show how the various approaches contribute to an evidence base, and future development of the information systems. This will enable users to enhance their abilities, and also in discovering their needs. The increased approaches to growth in management of the risks accrued to children are apparent in the western societies. The attempts to enhance safety, through formalizing organizational methods and implementation of the information systems, may incorporate opposing views. The analysis of the failings in organization settings should aim in the prevailing information system weaknesses that increase the probability of the risk of failing. Citing a report finding from a two year ESR C funded study involving ethnography, and looking at the local adaptations of practice from the performance context of the front door modernization, we give attention to the short cuts that the recent configuration tends to apply, using the increasingly audit needs, and timescales. Better and new methods of governance can elaborately work as an efficient player in terms of managing the failings. However, the design of a better system requires to be incorporated with the requirements of the practitioners who have a wide understanding of their working environments. The state can develop a much broader view of concern about how the risk constitutes to children and function the people equipped with knowledge should do in relation to this. This means the governance aims in safeguarding rather than child protection. Social technical systems show how organization development develops work design that recognizes the relationship that exists between technology, and people in their places of work. It shows the interaction between a man’s behavior and the complex infrastructures. It focuses on the methodology and related skills. Social technical is a source of optimization which shares emphasis on obtaining an excellent technical performance. They show the relationship of the social technical design principles and their essentiality. They also focus on managing information systems in terms of effectiveness, management, and also in business ways. It shows the importance of the general management in designing and processing information systems, and hence achieving a successful design and promoting the innovations hence meeting the organization objectives. The technologies develop within the social world and experts in the information technology experts. A relevant principle of the social technical interaction is within the philosophical values and premises. A significant section of this developed and efficient teamwork process is participation. Participation involve s co-ordination of the process that exists between experts and people. The existing interaction of the two parties involved leads to an innovation of an effective organization design. In the process of participation, all the parties involved should be considered and respected. This is because they all have a contribution to the improvement and to the success of the project. Another part is design of the social technical and is inseparable from its result. The design process further divides into

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analysis over a piece of art work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis over a piece of art work - Essay Example earlier, all the elephants died in battle and naming the artwork after the general who thought of using the huge animals is an evident attempt of the artist to link her work to such cause. The sculptor used acrylic and glaze on metal, making the colors used come alive as they have an initial effect of catching the attention of viewers. An elephant could probably be of no meaning to anyone and might just be noticed by animal lovers like me however, Tovar’s Hannibal also presents a mysterious message that calls the audience to ponder about why it was created. Naturally, elephants have only one color but Tovar’s elephant has multiple colors mixed all over the body of the image which could be interpreted by viewers in a variety of ways. For me, I think this variation of colors tells that the advocacy communicated through the artwork is true regardless of where the elephants are located, whether in Italy, Africa, Asia or America. Moreover, it could also refer to whatever use the elephants are employed, whether in wars, zoos, or slaughtered for their ivories, their preservation should always be made a priority. Elephants are wonderful animals which are popular for their treasured tusks, strength and enormous size and their number is decreasing by the year because of irresponsible killings. Hannibal seems to tell people, ‘Hey, look at what you will lose if you keep killing us’. Tovar’s artwork is a freestanding sculpture in an open form that interacts with the spaces around it. This gives an unspoken message of ‘leave me alone’, believed to be related to the theme of the art. This and the vibrant colors of Hannibal plead humans to allow such beautiful creations live among people, in their natural habitat so that they may also enjoy the beauty of life. It could probably be impossible to say that we do not enjoy or appreciate the existence of elephants because they sure help humans in many ways and they are even made as pets in some countries. Therefore, as

Management of Change in Lufthansa Airlines Essay

Management of Change in Lufthansa Airlines - Essay Example Secondly, there must be allocation and mobilisation of resources so that the necessary changes may be executed. According to Beer and Eisenstat (2000, p. 32), it is increasingly becoming very critical for the corporate world to excel at strategic change management so that they could outperform their competitors. This paper then will discuss corporate restructuring and privatisation in Lufthansa Airlines. The Type of Change and Why It Was Introduced Lufthansa was almost going under in 1991 owing to accrued large debts. However, in a span of eight years, the company turned around its fortunes to become a world leader in the aviation industry. In order to turn around its fortunes, the company had to institute radical changes. After instituting changes, which was the first step in the process, more allied changes had to follow so that the future of the company could be assured. The management of the company decided to execute change at four different levels, which were modelled around th e concept of renewal sustenance at four levels. However, after eight years of its turnaround, none of the processes that were started were completed. The most challenging bit was sustaining the progress introduced through change. It has been pointed out by Boxall (1996, p. 66) that most processes of change do not work because of an absence of attitudes geared towards change. It follows then that irrespective of how important or good a change process is, the desired goals are not achieved. Similarly, Beer and Eisenstat (2000, p. 35) are of the opinion that those change programs that do not work are usually based on theories of change that are flawed. In this case, it is important for change management to recognise their limitations in terms of ability to institute changes from the top. Instead, change managers should be involved in the creation of the climate of change that is in tandem with the company’s development goals without relying on any specific solution (Armenakis an d Bedeain, 1999, p. 302; Schuler and Jackson, S. 2001, p. 247). There is usually a difference between execution philosophy of change and process management philosophy. On the one hand, the former is of the assumption that leading change is the primary task in the process of change while, on the other hand, the latter places emphasis on the main task of change as planned implementation (Burnes, 2009, p. 76). The Context in Which Change Took Place During the change process, it becomes apparent that the basis of principles and values are dictated by underlying cultures (Worren, Ruddle and Moore, 1999, p. 279). The conditions that exist in the American companies are different from those of European continent in relation to criteria that are important for change strategies (Theodorakopoulos and Figueira, 2012, p. 863). This is particularly pertinent to HRM (human resource management) because it is involved with contemporary techniques of management, besides primarily dealing with etiquet te and values. There has to be a differentiation between strategies HRM and their role during the change process. It has been noted that HRM is deeply entrenched in the American culture, which counter-runs the prevalent In Europe culture of social responsibility, collectivism and pluralism (Saunders, Mann and Smith, 2008, p. 1110).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fiduciary Duties for Directors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fiduciary Duties for Directors - Essay Example 4). The law specifies that some of the fiduciary duties of a director are care, loyalty and good faith. In Charitable Corp v. Sutton, it was explained that directors of corporations would be regarded as agents and trustees who were required by law to act with ‘fidelity and reasonable diligence† (p.6). These three duties also give rise to a fourth, but equally important duty, that of disclosure. Duty of disclosure means that directors are required to disclose full and truthful information when they are communicating with stakeholders. The Delaware Court of Chancery has in the past stated that â€Å"an obligation to the community of interest that sustains the corporation, to exercise judgment in an informed, good faith effort to maximize the corporation’s long term wealth creating capacity† (p.12). Directors of corporations that are facing insolvency owe fiduciary duties to the corporation itself and to shareholder, never to creditors. Duty of Loyalty This fid uciary duty can be traced back to the Guth v Loft case in which the state Supreme Court passed that â€Å"corporate officers and directors are not allowed to use their position of trust and confidence to further their private interests† (p.22). ... It is the way in which a director handles the corporation’s affairs that will determine whether or not his conduct led to a breach in loyalty duty. The Delaware fiduciary law lays out some of the situations in which duty of loyalty may be implicated. Thee include: contracts between the company and directors or other corporations in which the director may have some material interest, dealings between a parent company and a subsidiary, management buy outs, corporate reorganizations or acquisitions which may result in differing interests between the majority and minority stakeholders, insider trading, taking over corporate opportunities and competition by the directors with the company. If directors fail to act when faced with a known duty, they can be charged with violating duty of loyalty (p.24). Duty of Care Directors in corporations are obligated by Delaware law to seek ample information before making any business decision. They are also required to â€Å"act with the requis ite care in making such decisions† (p.32). Although the directors are requires to act with utmost diligence and highest level of due care, they are not obligated to read or to know each and every particular of a contract or any related legal documents. They only need considerable information about a particular situation so as not to make any careless decisions. If the directors are found to have made a decision out of gross negligence, then they can be charged in court for a breach in the duty of care. In order to act diligently, the law in Delaware requires that directors should regularly attend board meetings. They are also required to take their time to review, understand and evaluate all information that they have at their disposal and they should ensure

Holywood Studio System Between 1940s and 1960s Essay

Holywood Studio System Between 1940s and 1960s - Essay Example This was because there was discovery of the telescope, a cure for arthritis and even new advancements in astronomy. 2 With all these factors going so well for America; Hollywood home, one would presume that there would be greater opportunities for the studio system. However, this did not happen. 3 The main reasons were that there was a shift from cinema to television4, there was also politics involved and also other managerial and technological reasons came into play. 5 Details of these factors shall be examined below. In the wake of the country's economic boom, many people could now afford to purchase their own television sets. 6This meant that there was no need for any of them to go to the movies. By the year 1946, cinema attendance had diminished by a whooping 20 million consumers. 7 The studio that felt the highest pinch was the leader at that time; MGM. Before the decline in the Hollywood studio system, most studios were producing about eighteen billion dollars in revenue. However, after the popularisation of television, most studios were now making a mere four billion dollars. 8 There were also other political reasons that affected the Hollywood Studio system in the late forties. Prior to the decline, most studio owners or movie producers had exclusive rights to movie theatres. The five major studios in Hollywood (Fox, Warner's, Paramount, RKO and Lowe's) 9 had the ability to control distribution of their movies through these vested interests in movie theatres. However, The US Justice Department felt that that monopoly was going against the rules of free market and fair competition. 10Therefore, the Attorney General serving at that time gave a notice to the five major studios to appear in court. They were charged with conspiracy in the theatre industry. They were not supposed to control distribution as stated by the government and they were expected to let go of their vested interests in theatres During their appearances in court, top studio executives agreed to surrender their vested interests in the distribution sector and just after a short while all the big five studios gave up their rights to the movie theatres. 11Most of theses theatres were then sold to other vested interests. Consequently, studio producers had very little revenue to give their actors. Before selling away their theatres, most studios would contract actors for a period of seven years. But after the decline of theatres and studios, it was difficult to make such contracts anymore. Most studios started getting into deficits and they started closing down. 12These results came into play during the sixties. Eventually, the legacy of the Hollywood Studio system came to an end during those fateful years. Rise of independent movie producers During the 1960s more and more movie producers would choose locations that were outside Hollywood. They would prefer other countries such as England, Rome and Pinewood. Consequently, most of the equipments needed in studios were exported to the outdoors. This seriously affected the studio system as movie producers no longer considered the studio system as the norm. 13 The situation was made worse by increased competition from some independent movie producers. These movie producers were affiliated to their own movie producing companies and made the Hollywood studio system seem traditional. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fiduciary Duties for Directors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fiduciary Duties for Directors - Essay Example 4). The law specifies that some of the fiduciary duties of a director are care, loyalty and good faith. In Charitable Corp v. Sutton, it was explained that directors of corporations would be regarded as agents and trustees who were required by law to act with ‘fidelity and reasonable diligence† (p.6). These three duties also give rise to a fourth, but equally important duty, that of disclosure. Duty of disclosure means that directors are required to disclose full and truthful information when they are communicating with stakeholders. The Delaware Court of Chancery has in the past stated that â€Å"an obligation to the community of interest that sustains the corporation, to exercise judgment in an informed, good faith effort to maximize the corporation’s long term wealth creating capacity† (p.12). Directors of corporations that are facing insolvency owe fiduciary duties to the corporation itself and to shareholder, never to creditors. Duty of Loyalty This fid uciary duty can be traced back to the Guth v Loft case in which the state Supreme Court passed that â€Å"corporate officers and directors are not allowed to use their position of trust and confidence to further their private interests† (p.22). ... It is the way in which a director handles the corporation’s affairs that will determine whether or not his conduct led to a breach in loyalty duty. The Delaware fiduciary law lays out some of the situations in which duty of loyalty may be implicated. Thee include: contracts between the company and directors or other corporations in which the director may have some material interest, dealings between a parent company and a subsidiary, management buy outs, corporate reorganizations or acquisitions which may result in differing interests between the majority and minority stakeholders, insider trading, taking over corporate opportunities and competition by the directors with the company. If directors fail to act when faced with a known duty, they can be charged with violating duty of loyalty (p.24). Duty of Care Directors in corporations are obligated by Delaware law to seek ample information before making any business decision. They are also required to â€Å"act with the requis ite care in making such decisions† (p.32). Although the directors are requires to act with utmost diligence and highest level of due care, they are not obligated to read or to know each and every particular of a contract or any related legal documents. They only need considerable information about a particular situation so as not to make any careless decisions. If the directors are found to have made a decision out of gross negligence, then they can be charged in court for a breach in the duty of care. In order to act diligently, the law in Delaware requires that directors should regularly attend board meetings. They are also required to take their time to review, understand and evaluate all information that they have at their disposal and they should ensure

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Financial Constraints and Impact Analysis Term Paper

Financial Constraints and Impact Analysis - Term Paper Example After all, there are characteristics of a successful project that will determine whether the project is successful or not. The triple constraints are as listed below: Scope/quality of a project is a clear statement of what is intended to be achieved in a particular project. It defines the functions, features and information content that will be included in the project at hand. It also defines the desired final result of the project. Resource cost/ resources are also one of the triple content of a project constraint. Resources cost money and the two descriptions are interchangeable in a number of ways. The cost of a project involves what needs to be applied or assigned to the project such as money and effort in order to make things happen (Kendrick, 2009). This includes resources such as manpower, or material requirements for the job, resources for risk management and evaluation of any other resources that facilitate the success of the project. The other constraint is the time constra int. This involves analyzing the time required for completion of each component of the project. After carrying out this analysis, the components are broken down to find the time for completion of each task. This allows for determination of the duration of the project as well as the quantity of resources needed to be dedicated to particular projects. This article tries to explain some of the ways in which these constraints can be managed for successful completion of the project. Methods for managing various constraints During control of a project constraint, it should be understood that it is only possible to define two constraints and the third will be determined by the other two. It is also advisable to determine which of the three is the controlling constraint as well as the one that needs to be changed (Dobson, 2004). For instance, if scope is the least important, determine the methods for achieving the most for the client while using the least amount of resources, reduce priorit y on resources and suggest solutions for the problem being addressed. Look for alternatives for the projects. In case of resource constraint, look at cross-training staff or recruiting new people as well as outsourcing. In case of schedule constraint, it is recommended to use a schedule float. Also, analyze the schedule for tasks that overlap 1. Use of spread sheet to mange constraints The triple constraints can be utilized in projects by increasing the chances of prioritizing. Despite the projects being constrained, not all constraints are equal between projects. For instance, project A may have a specific time that is critical for the completion of the project (Kendrick, 2009). However, the budget for project A could have some flexibility. Project B on the other hand may require certain resources but the deadline is within the time frame for project completion. Using spreadsheet to manage project constraints, three basic classifications are used when prioritizing constraints i.e. ‘Inflexible’, ‘Adaptable’, and ‘May concede’. Inflexible means that this is the most crucial project and has to be constrained for the successful completion of the project. Adaptable means the project is negotiable but should be optimized to a certain extent. May concede means that it is an area where trade offs is possible to take place in order to manage the inflexible constraint or optimize the adaptable one. Constraints/classification Inflexible Adaptable May concede Time

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cyber Crime Law Essay Example for Free

Cyber Crime Law Essay (a) Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems: (1) Illegal Access. – The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right. (2) Illegal Interception. – The interception made by technical means without right of any non-public transmission of computer data to, from, or within a computer system including electromagnetic emissions from a computer system carrying such computer data. (3) Data Interference. — The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right, including the introduction or transmission of viruses. (4) System Interference. — The intentional alteration or reckless hindering or interference with the functioning of a computer or computer network by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data or program, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right or authority, including the introduction or transmission of viruses. (5) Misuse of Devices. (i) The use, production, sale, procurement, importation, distribution, or otherwise making available, without right, of: (aa) A device, including a computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this Act; or (bb) A computer password, access code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that it be used for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this Act. (ii) The possession of an item referred to in paragraphs 5(i)(aa) or (bb) above with intent to use said devices for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this section. (6) Cyber-squatting. – The acquisition of a domain name over the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive others from registering the same, if such a domain name is: (i) Similar, identical, or confusingly similar to an existing trademark registered with the appropriate government agency at the time of the domain name registration: (ii) Identical or in any way similar with the name of a person other than the registrant, in case of a personal name; and (iii) Acquired without right or with intellectual property interests in it. (b) Computer-related Offenses: (1) Computer-related Forgery. — (i) The input, alteration, or deletion of any computer data without right resulting in inauthentic data with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were authentic, regardless whether or not the data is directly readable and intelligible; or (ii) The act of knowingly using computer data which is the product of computer-related forgery as defined herein, for the purpose of perpetuating a fraudulent or dishonest design. (2) Computer-related Fraud. — The unauthorized input, alteration, or deletion of computer data or program or interference in the functioning of a computer system, causing damage thereby with fraudulent intent: Provided, That if no damage has yet been caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) degree lower. (3) Computer-related Identity Theft. – The intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, possession, alteration or deletion of identifying information belonging to another, whether natural or juridical, without right: Provided, That if no damage has yet been caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) degree lower. (c) Content-related Offenses: (1) Cybersex. — The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration. (2) Child Pornography. — The unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable by Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009, committed through a computer system: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be (1) one degree higher than that provided for in Republic Act No. 9775. (3) Unsolicited Commercial Communications. — The transmission of commercial electronic communication with the use of computer system which seek to advertise, sell, or offer for sale products and services are prohibited unless: (i) There is prior affirmative consent from the recipient; or (ii) The primary intent of the communication is for service and/or administrative announcements from the sender to its existing users, subscribers or customers; or (iii) The following conditions are present: (aa) The commercial electronic communication contains a simple, valid, and reliable way for the recipient to reject. receipt of further commercial electronic messages (opt-out) from the same source; (bb) The commercial electronic communication does not purposely disguise the source of the electronic message; and (cc) The commercial electronic communication does not purposely include misleading information in any part of the message in order to induce the recipients to read the message. (4) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future. SEC. 5. Other Offenses. — The following acts shall also constitute an offense: (a) Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of Cybercrime. – Any person who willfully abets or aids in the commission of any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held liable. (b) Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrime. — Any person who willfully attempts to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held liable.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The NAFTA: Canada, Mexico And The USA

The NAFTA: Canada, Mexico And The USA INTRODUCTION The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect in the year 1994; it is a huge landmark in the history of international trade. Fifteen years ago, The United States, Mexico and Canada brought forward the worlds biggest free trade area under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It was the first trade agreement to incorporate the issues of the labor adjustment and the environmental policies. The key purpose of NAFTA was to increase the FDI and the Trade by reducing the tariffs and other hindrances for businesses between Canada, Mexico and The United States. These three countries are brought together into a trilateral trade and investment agreement mainly in the field of health, security, migration and environmental issues. The agricultural industry was one of the most government secluded industries in the olden times. The United States, Mexico and Canada had many trade barriers before NAFTA came into force. Subsides, tariffs and quotas are the most common trade barriers which cuts down the free flow of goods and services across borders. Subsidies are fund providers for the domestic markets which enable the suppliers to produce more which causes a boost in the price and reduction in the demand of quantity. The tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods which decreases the imports by laying too much of tax on foreign countries on their exports which results in the increase of the domestic supply. The quotas are restrictions made on the quantity of the goods imported. The main purpose of NAFTA was to increase the FDI opportunities. Effects of NAFTA MEXICO During the 1980s the Mexican economy was significantly deepened into poverty but today it has the strongest economy in the whole of Latin America. This improvement is mainly due to the economic policies laid in1998 by President Carlos Salinas in introducing liberalization rules for privatization and FDI. Since then, the GDP of Mexico has grown in spite of the inflation. The country has managed to bring down the inflation rate from 25% to 6% in 2004 making a positive growth rate in its GDP. It has improved its export trade, mainly to the United States which looks upon Mexico for its 25% of all the imported vegetables and fruits. And now, Mexico has become the foremost region for foreign investments. The climate for international investment has grown favorable for Mexico in the recent years. Though there were strict restrictions in the 1970s for FDI, the rules which were employed in the year 1989 reversed all the strict controls which resulted in the increasing inflow of the foreign in vestments which paved the way for the MNEs to invest in Mexico. The country has also made changes in their investment laws which now permit the foreign investors to have the major equity which is one of the main reasons for the increase in the FDI. Mexico was considered as a country with a large inflow of the international investments and gained the confidence of the foreign investors due to its positive economic growth influenced by NAFTA. Though NAFTA has brought several benefits to Mexico as a whole, they are unevenly distributed throughout the country. Mexico stands closer to United States and Canada in level of its development and NAFTA has brought a positive impact on the Mexican manufacturers in adapting the technical innovations of the United States resulting in the increase of employment. NAFTAs effect on the agricultural sector increased the amount of workforce more when compared to the other sectors of the economy. Since NAFTA came into effect there was no major intervention by the government on the prices of exported crops and are expected to remain the same. Mexicos productivity of the irrigated lands increased after the intervention of NAFTA, but the non-irrigated agricultural sector remained the same. A number of foreign companies have also invested and established new factories in order to take benefits and advantage of NAFTA. A survey conducted in the year 2006 showed that a large number of the Mexicans favored the trade liberalization with Canada and United States. Even though there are certain divisions wish to renegotiate NAFTA and whether to continue the trade agreement with other countries, the Mexican citizens have a positive view on globalization. UNITED STATES United States has the worlds third largest population and the worlds fourth largest land mass. It has the strongest economies which account almost 30% of the worlds GDP. It is given a unique position among all the other countries due to its political stability, size and accounting for about one eighth of the worlds trade and services. It is the principal market for both higher and lower income countries. NAFTA was the first most important agreement signed by the US for major immigration purposes. It paved the way for the country to do free trade, i.e. free flow of good without any border restrictions along with services and free flow of people across borders. It was marked as the first and foremost trade agreement to bring in environmental policies in the history of the US. After the implementation of NAFTA, the agricultural exports of United States to Mexico have increased thrice the amount resulting in about $10.6 billion. Since, the effect of NAFTA over the United States and Mexic o trade is small; the US labor market is also relatively small. NAFTA has benefitted the US agricultural consumers and the producers to use the comparative advantage in a more effective way according to the economic conditions. The impact of NAFTA on the US had both positive and negative effects; however, it has benefitted the country more positively than in the negative way. The main impact of NAFTA on Unite States was the increase in its exports to Mexico. Since NAFTA, the United States agricultural exports have been growing enormously, it has been recorded that 75% of Mexicos Agro products are being supplied by the US. It has also improvised the transportation systems in the country; transportation has been very important due to the increase in the growth of the agricultural products. After the agreement, the job opportunities in the field of agriculture have also increased and as a result of high income, the funds were used for the betterment of the environmental policies. CANADA A country with the worlds second largest land mass, Canada has a vital economy accounting for 37% of its GDP in 2004 of $980 billion. Since NAFTA was implemented, Canada has become the chief exporter of goods to the US; it has experienced a tremendous growth in its economy. Due to the large productions and the economic activities enhanced in the country, lots of jobs opportunities were created for the Canadians, almost 4.3 million new jobs were created in between 1993 and 2008. Most of the jobs in Canada are related to trade. The employment rate has also increased from 14.9 million to 15.7 million in the last decade. One of NAFTAs biggest impacts on Canada was its bilateral agricultural flow making Canada the worlds leading importer of United States and the Exports from US to Canada increased twice the fold between 1994 and 2003. Canada exceeds the exports of United State by exporting the live animals to US, and thus Canada has a stronger comparative advantage than that of US and Mex ico. The western grain transportation act was eliminated; it was a subsidy on Canadian prairie grain transportation and other crops. Canada faces larger adjustments in agriculture as its production is high when compared to its size. Vegetable products are the major source of Canadas imports, remarkable increase occurs with poultry, fruits and meat also. Though Canada has a free market capitalist economy, it has also adapted interventionist economic policies. The small scale manufacturing enterprises produces solely with high tariffs for the local market, these small scale enterprises are protected by Canada. These plants brought in more jobs for the Canadians and as a result the prices were high for the consumers which led to unproductive portion of the resources. The Canadian government has provided its citizens with a social safety net together with a government owned National Health Service; the citizens pay high tax to avail this service. The Canadian private industries do not p rovide any cover for health care. Even though the country suffers from problems of production in other economic sectors, it has the most competitive automotive plant in the North America. In order to improve the access of the United States wines, Canada has also agreed to liberalize the distribution practices, the wine listing and also the pricing of the wines. Due to Canadas legal systems, political stability and its immediacy to the vast U.S. market, the global investors have long been attracted by Canada. NAFTA has improved the countrys future prospects in the field of investment and trade by making the rules and procedures strict throughout the entire continent. CONCLUSION NAFTAs aim is built on lowering the tariffs, which are imposed on most of the goods that are being traded among all the three countries, the United States, Canada and the Mexico and gradually eliminating them. While The United States, Canada and Mexico experienced a trend for a net trade creation, NAFTA drastically improved and also amplified the bilateral trade flow in between Canada United States and Mexico United States. Due to the small share of trade to its larger economy, the impact of NAFTA on United States GDP (Gross Domestic Product) appeared insignificant. On the other hand, NAFTAs impact on Canadas GDP was high due to larger role played by the country in trade, especially with the other members of the NAFTA and thus Canadas economy was improved. The Presidential elections of the United States 2008 brought in consideration on the talks of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) the tri trade block uniting the three countries namely the United States, Canada and Mexico. Since the accomplishment of NAFTA, the trade relations among the three countries have broadened and all the three countries have also grown in their economic level, Canada in its fastest average rate and Mexico at the slowest rate.